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Save time and grab this set of 30 PowerPoint templates so you can create the worksheets your kids will love.

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    One-time payment ($47.00)$47.00
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    Split pay (2x $25.00)2x $25.00

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DIY Printables for Teachers and Homeschoolers$0

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  • 1xDIY Printables for Teachers and Homeschoolers$0

All prices in USD

What's Included?

Learn basic design princles like color, fonts and more

Go from blah to UH-mazing with your printable design

Step by step video tutorials that are easy to understand


I have loved this DIY Printables Course. I have been making printables for some time now but I really had been winging it! Through this course I learned new things like getting to know the font styles that complement each other, how to get the perfect color scheme and discovered a few applications that have saved me so much time! Thanks Monique!
I would recommend this course to any homeschool parent who wants to start creating their own homeschool resources.
